Wednesday, July 15, 2009

May and June photos

Sorry for not posting. Raising a boy is very time consuming! Here are some photos. These are from June, so he's 3 months old in these.

That's my boy! He's stretching... just like mom and dad love to do. This is at Alex's highschool graduation.

Here's Elijah and Mom. Note he has Dad's hairline. :)

And that's it for now.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Life's Firsts

Here is mom back in the kitchen.... just kidding... no seriously ;)
This is our first night out to dinner with Elijah. He was amazing! He slept the entire 40 minute drive to San Luis, and then shopping, dinner, and more shopping. We woke him up to feed him because we figured he'd wake up on the way home. Next time we'll wait for him. He probably would have made it the whole way!

So cute!
Our first "hike" to a swimming hole about 25 minutes north of Cambria.

And lastly, may we present to you elimination communication success! If you haven't heard of this before, this may sound crazy. Basically, every time Elijah pees or poos, we make a pssss pssss sound. Then this last week, his third week out of the womb, we started taking him the the sink after he'd go and would make the psss psss psss sound to help him associate peeing and pooping with the sink. Check out this footage we took today to see how it works. He's exactly three weeks old today! Video may...... okay.... does contain nudity!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Naked Baby

We took these photos tonight. I can't believe how big Elijah is! He gonna be a big man!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Elijah videos. 1 week old.

Look at this milk junkie. Click on photo to see a video of him before this video was taken.

Here's another. Click photo to see video.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Hurd Family Video

I still haven't figure out how to post videos on the blog itself, but here's one I made today.

Where Elijah was born

Hi all,

We finally got DSL hooked up here at Hurd's Castle. It's located about 100 yards from the Pacific Coast here in our new home town of Cambria.

This is where Elijah was born.

Here is the view from the back deck. Amazing. We decided to stay for the entire month that we have off from the motel. Why would we leave this place?!? Thanks Dad for being so generous and letting us use your beach house! Better your grandson was born in your house that in a dinky little motel apartment right? :)

Smiles are hard to catch on camera, but here is the best we have so far.